Character Qualities Analysis
This document contains several projects centered around character qualities. First is a list of the commands of Christ, as originally found as an attachment to a letter to ATI families from Mr. Gothard. Next is a table comparing the charatcer qualities as defined by the IBLP resources Character Clues, Achieving True Success and The Power of True Success. This was constructed as a result of the revelation that the character qualities had "changed" over the years, and that some of the definitions were slightly different. In an effort to identify the changes and reconcile the definitions, I constructed the table provided. What I found is that the qualities have not actually changed, although in some cases the terminology is altered to reflect the target audience. Likewise, the definitions have been tailored to the target audience, as well. However, in my opinion, the substance and spirit of the character qualities has not changed at all. You may find that one definition or another is more appropriate to your circumstances, and so a comparison could be helpful. Next is a listing of the "I will..." commitments for each character quality (as found in Achieving True Success), arranged first by character quality, and then alphabetically. Finally, the last page is a table that lists the character qualities by spiritual gift, as found in Character Clues.
Daily Psalms and Proverbs
This document is designed to be printed on both sides of the paper to form daily reader, with the Psalms and Proverb for each day (i.e. Psalm 1, 31, 61, 91 and 121 and Proverbs 1) printed together. A one year reading record is on the first page. Text is Authorized Version (King James).
Handel's Messiah Notes
Have you ever wondered what Scripture is used in Handel's Messiah? This file answers that question, and compares the libretto to each quotation. Overall, the libretto is very faithful to the text of the King James, although there are some changes. This makes a very good family study, in that it combines some very familiar (and some perhaps not so familiar) music with some powerful Messianic verses. It opens up a whole new appreciation for the Messiah, and the Messiah, Jesus, about Whom it was written.
Translators to the Reader - Preface to the King James Version 1611
Although once commonly included as the preface to every printed copy of the King James Version, it is now largely omitted. It contains rich insight into the motivation and wisdom of the translators, and helps make the KJV more understandable. I do not recommend using modern translations (among them, NAS, NIV and NKJV); comparing this document to the prefaces of other versions is an interesting exercise and reveals many of the differences in philosophy and attitude between the KJV translators and those of more recent efforts.
Matthew Chapter 5 Verse Cards
Matthew Chapter 6 Verse Cards
Matthew Chapter 7 Verse Cards
Designed to be printed on Avery 5371 Business Card stock or equivalent (ten per page). Each card contains one verse from Matthew 5 (or 6 or 7). Five pages are required to print chapter 5, four for chapter 6, and three for chapter 7. Can be carried in a standard business card case, or placed in a business card holder on your desk, with the "current" verse on top.